Dr. Eric Nelson


Dr. Eric Nelson has consulted to individuals, organizations, and the legal system for over 25 years.  Recognizing the power of behavioral science to enhance personal and organizational effectiveness, Eric remains constantly committed to identifying and implementing cutting-edge strategies for assessment and intervention.  He specializes in leadership development, succession planning, executive coaching, and mitigation of derailment risk.  He motivates leaders to hone the strategic self-awareness, interpersonal skill, and courage that lead to peak performance.

Who Is Dr. Eric Nelson?

It is almost axiomatic that people drive success in the increasingly competitive global marketplace.  Eric’s corporate work is all about people.  As a Senior International Consultant for Hogan Assessment Systems, he implemented highly respected measures of personality predictors of workplace success with corporate clients through North America and Europe.  More recently, Eric joined a team of other organizational specialists to develop an empirically based talent management model for a major telecom company in Saudi Arabia.  Carefully crafted assessment of personality, emotional intelligence, and personal values can help identify where in an organization a high-potential employee might be the most effective, which leaders or individual contributors might best be considered part of a company’s succession plan, which of several external applicants for a high-level position fit within the company’s organizational culture, and multiple similar questions.

For individuals struggling in their current position, assessment can also pinpoint sources of potential derailment and suggest directions for effective coaching toward enhanced performance.  Eric offers considerable experience in helping both individual contributors and organizational leaders become more effective in their personal self-awareness, interpersonal and managerial skills, communication styles, and authenticity.  Keenly aware of the multiple factors contributing to successful leadership—and scientifically sound strategies for effecting change—Eric assists managers and executives identify “blind spots” and engage their own capacity for more effective performance.

Derived from career experiences ranging from individual interventions for teenagers and adults to coaching leaders at the highest levels of organizations, Eric can identify and implement the most useful, scientifically sound strategies for resolving personal and organizational problems.  He has been a licensed psychologist for over two decades and is a member of the American Psychological Association’s Division of Consulting Psychology.  In addition to his organizational work, Eric frequently consults to attorneys and the courts regarding issues related to behavioral science and the law, and he has been a frequent speaker on ethics and other professional issues.  Based in Tulsa, Oklahoma, Eric enjoys travel, hiking near his mountain cabin in Colorado, skiing, and frequent “game nights” with family and friends.  His son is currently completing his doctoral degree in composition in New York City and is considered to be on the cutting edge of contemporary electro-acoustic music.